Fluid Mechanics

Group Leader

Adrian Sescu
Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace Engineering
Manav Bhatia
Adrian Sescu
David Thompson
Mark Janus

Chemical Engineering
Santanu Kundu
Keisha Walters

Computer Science & Engineering
Edward Luke

Department of Mathematics
Yuan Liu

High Performance Computing Collabortory 
Greg Burgreen
Eric Collins
Xiao Wang

Mechanical Engineering
Sundar Krishnan
Kalyan Srinivasan
Scott Thompson
Keith Walters
Shanthi Bhushan

Focus Areas

Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Nano and Micro Fluid Dynamics
Heat Transfer

Focus of Meetings

The discussions at the meetings will revolve around sharing of research ideas and generating research collaborations among group members. In addition, invited speakers from nearby universities will present and share their research ideas at the meetings. It is expected that these visits will initiate new collaborations with researchers from nearby universities or/and strengthen existing collaborations.

Join Our Group

Fluid mechanics is an active field of research with many problems that are partly or wholly unsolved (e.g., turbulence in fluids is the last unsolved problem of classical mechanics). Faculties and researchers from all departments, working in the area of fluid mechanics or dealing with problems that involve fluid mechanics, are welcome to join the group.


Adrian Sescu
Aerospace Engineering
