Transfer Education

The College of Engineering at Mississippi State works closely with the Community and Junior Colleges in preparing students to enter the profession of engineering. Those who chose to first attend a community or junior college prior to enrolling at Mississippi State University are encouraged to request a pre-engineering advisor at the community or junior college. Pre-engineering advisors are best equipped to help you prepare for furthering your education in engineering at Mississippi State.

Information is given below on courses that will apply to an engineering major, campus housing, and campus organizations. These are presented to assist you in working with you advisor and are not intended to replace the community or junior college advisor.

As a general rule, students transferring from a Mississippi Community or Junior College are very successful in pursuing and completing a degree in engineering. To give students every opportunity to succeed, the Bagley College of Engineering has established guidelines for admission to engineering degree programs.

Students who transfer from schools other than Mississippi Junior and Community Colleges are also successful. Because there are so many of these schools we do not have specific agreements such as those listed below with all schools. Transcripts are evaluated by the Office of Admission and Scholarships at the time application to Mississippi State has been made. Unfortunately, due to the number of students, we are not able to evaluate these transcripts prior to the time application is made. However, some general guidance to keep in mind is this. Only those math courses which are calculus or higher will apply to an engineering degree. Chemistry and physics courses accepted are typically only those that are taken by engineering, chemistry, and physics majors. Other general education requirements are determined following a transcript review but courses such as psychology, sociology, literature, history, political science, and appreciation courses in areas such as art and music will apply. Courses which are specialized, advanced, or limited in scope will generally not apply to a degree.

For more information on the undergraduate education provided by the Mississippi State University College of Engineering, please contact Robert Green, Assistant Dean,

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