Project Lead The Way

High School Students and College Credit for PLTW

Application for Project Lead The Way Course Credit

The Bagley College of Engineering is pleased to be able to offer college credit for successfully completing Project Lead The Way (PLTW) courses in high school. While PLTW credit may not reduce the number of semester hours a student needs to earn an engineering degree, it does provide a way for the Bagley College to recognize the hard work done and knowledge gained by students. There is no currently no charge to have this credit placed on a student’s college transcript.

Credit is offered for the following PLTW courses:

  • GE 1711 Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
  • GE 1721 Principles of Engineering (PoE)
  • GE 1731 Engineering Design and Development (EDD)
  • GE 1741 Electives:
    • Aerospace Engineering
    • Civil Engineering and Architecture
    • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
    • Computer Science Principles
    • Digital Electronics
    • Environmental Sustainability

Each course can receive one semester of satisfactory “S” credit. Credit for GE 1741 can be awarded multiple times for a student who completes more than one elective PLTW course.

To receive course credit, a student must:

  • Be admitted to the Bagley College of Engineering
  • Earned a grade of B or higher in the PLTW course as determined by the high school
  • Completed the nationally-normed End of Course Assessment with a score of Accomplished
  • Complete and certify the form, have it signed by the student’s high school principal or other official, and mailed to the Bagley College directly by the high school.

Because we can only award credit to students who have been admitted to the Bagley College of Engineering, students should wait until their senior year of high school and they have completed all PLTW courses they plan to take before submitting the required form.