Distance | Bagley College of Engineering

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October 3, 2023

Information sessions for online education available in March 2023!

M-State logo with the words Bagley College of Engineering underneath.

February 23, 2023

Bagley College of Engineering announces two online degree programs

Sarah Darrow Computer Engineering major

Mississippi State University students are now eligible to obtain a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering or a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from almost anywhere in the world, thanks to the new online degree programs. “This is an exciting opportunity and opens our online outreach to a new group of individuals. Previously, our online offerings…

September 28, 2022

MSU offers three options for online graduate degrees in computer science

Potential students interested in earning a graduate degree in computer science or cyber security from Mississippi State University now have three online options from which to choose. MSU’s Bagley College of Engineering now offers online master’s degree and Ph.D. programs in computer science as well as an online master’s degree in cyber security. The online…

March 18, 2021

Bagley’s civil engineering master’s ranked among Best Online Programs for 2021

Mississippi State’s Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering boasts one of the nation’s top online master’s degree programs, according to an online resource. Best Masters Programs has ranked Mississippi State’s online civil engineering master’s degree as 13th-best in its listing of the Top 25 nationally. “In an era of natural disasters and…

March 2, 2021

M.S. and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering are now available ONLINE!

We are pleased to announce that our Master of Science in Chemical Engineering and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering are now available ONLINE! All classes and dissertation work can be done remotely. Applications are being accepted for the Fall 2021 semester. The application deadline for Fall 2021 is May 16, 2021. To apply, visit https://www.grad.msstate.edu/news/2020/09/2021-test-score-requirements for more…

December 8, 2020

Bagley’s online programs rank among the most affordable

Mississippi State’ Bagley College of Engineering not only offers one of the top engineering programs in the country, its online programs also rank as some of the most affordable. Eight of Bagley’s online master’s degree programs have been ranked among the nation’s most affordable by OnlineU for 2020. OnlineU is a free and comprehensive e-database…

June 11, 2020

Swann earns prestigious online teaching certification

With an increasing number of Mississippi State University classes now including an online component, one engineering staff member has earned a prestigious certification from the international organization dedicated to improving the quality of online education. Tamra Swann, the distance education coordinator for the James Worth Bagley College of Engineering, has earned the Teaching Online Certificate…

May 27, 2020

Thrive in Five accelerates MSU students to two degrees in five years

The time it takes to earn two degrees just got shorter at Mississippi State with the introduction of the Thrive in Five accelerated degree program.

May 27, 2020

Computer science lecturer earns award from cybersecurity organization

Head shot of Anna Harrison

A Mississippi State distance learning instructor in computer science & engineering was recently recognized as one of the top information security professionals in North, Central and South America. Anna Harrison, who teaches an online malware reverse engineering course in the Bagley College of Engineering, was awarded the 2019 ISLA Americas Information Security Practitioner award by…

April 24, 2020